Westminster Presbyterian strives to live into the call to love our neighbor as ourselves, and to be the hands and feet, heart and soul of Jesus to our community and the world. We support local, national, and international missions in various ways.
We faithfully support several Presbyterian Church (USA) local and global special offerings, including One Great Hour of Sharing, Pentecost Offering, Mother’s Day Offering, Thornwell Children’s Home offering, Presbyterian Women Thank Offering, and Joy Offering.
We are also committed to the following charities:
- Dot’s Kitchen of Westminster: Westminster Presbyterian is a partner and has two teams who help to provide a free hot lunch to anyone who needs it every weekday.
https://www.facebook.com/Dots-Kitchen-of-Westminster-158473680909303/ - Oconee United Ministries: Oconee United Ministries (formerly Oconee Presbyterian Service Fund) is a non-profit organization comprised of local churches who try to meet the needs of those in crisis who might have fallen through the cracks of traditional assistance. Oconee United Ministries is open Tuesdays and Thursdays from 9-11:30 and is located on the Seneca Presbyterian Church campus.
- Fostering Faithfully Oconee: Fostering Faithfully is a non-profit organization committed to meeting the needs of foster parents and families in Oconee County.
https://www.fosteringfaithfully.org - Oconee County Back Pack Program: Partnering with the United Way and School District of Oconee County, WPC helps provide backpacks of food over the weekend for students in need at our local schools. https://www.oconee.k12.sc.us/about-us/education-foundation/backpack-program
- Rahab’s Rope: Since 2004, Rahab’s Rope has existed to spread awareness and help eradicate sex trafficking. We give hope and opportunity to those who are at risk or have been forced into the sex trade. We work in the areas of prevention, direct intervention and aftercare. Rev. Audrey and her husband Ash have gone on two trips to India with Rahab’s Rope.